
writer and photographer from the american northeast. interests include: representation, perception, geometry, light, flesh, cartography, gray market drugs, regional cinema, the wandelweiser school, olde english, speleology, slapstick, tragedy, the wind in the trees, the Machine, the theatre of cruelty, "conspiracy theories", verfremdungseffekt, a woman's boot pressing my face into the mud, the old west, wall noise, "outsider art", conceptual gestures, the internet and related military technologies, the taste of blood, historical materialism, horror movies, the secret & unknowable, the abyss, the "beyond region", my friends, my enemies, Sophocles, ambient techno, industrial processes, a good joke, marginalia, tear-stained faces, things that never happened, things that are still happening, etc.

inquiries/solicitations/love letters may be directed to davidcporter (at) protonmail.com, or my twitter DMs.
